Monday, January 12, 2009

10 Years of Famous Sex Pills The Pros and Cons and Everything You Need to Know

It was in the early part of 1998 that Viagra first came on to the market, and created a tidal change in the sex industry. Let's take a look at the effects it had, and the pros and cons...

Originally trialled by the drug giant Pfizer to lower blood pressure, the men taking the trials found they had harder more frequent erections, which lasted longer.

Drug companies are not slow to latch onto things like this, so they changed course with the pill and turned it into an impotence treatment. Clever marketing put it in the mainstream, it sold by the bucket load, and the sex industry was able to step out of the shadows and market all sorts of products in famous sex pill's wake.

Despite the large amount of copycat pills, 10 years on it is still this original brand that is the standout name in the industry, although the rise of the internet has allowed all sorts of alternative choices to be available.

Pros and cons?

Well, the pros are obvious - it works!

Because it was discovered by accident, the proof was already there of its ability to treat erection problems, and mean and couples have seem their sexual lives changed for the better for many many years.

It's a simple product to take, via the mouth, and is readily available, without too much stigma, so what's not to like? Well, people have reported side effects like nausea, variable heart rate, lethargy.

Also, let's not pretend otherwise, it's a chemical product, and after a while people tend to shy away from chemicals. They'd prefer a more natural approach, taking treatments which are made solely from natural products.

10 years on and still going strong, this original sex pills will be around for long time yet, but will find increasing competition from the natural world of treatments.
Alex Rocklane has years of expertise in herbal sex pills at